09 Mar Glasgow Seminar – How Your Profits are Destroyed through Conflict
Date of the seminar – March 29th
Time : 09:00 – 10:30
Venue – Trongate Room, Clydesdale Bank, 30 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2EU
Do you understand the symptoms and root causes of conflict in your organisation?
What’s the impact of disengaged employees on productivity?
How does Diversity have a positive effect on the bottom line?
“Profit is King!” That is how being successful in the business world can be seen. But frequently that comes at a price as companies look to maximise their income, reduce costs, and satisfy shareholders.
The cost of achieving this can create conflict in organisations whilst alienating employees and customers. As a result employee engagement decreases and people become focused on targets and performance in a negative way. At the same time customer satisfaction decreases and they find products and services elsewhere. Ultimately that is a downward spiral of failure as profits reduce and turn to losses.
Do you know what you can do differently to make your organisation successful and reduce conflict?
This seminar will be a fun and interactive session where you will discover that it is possible to change the way you do things in small and simple ways. In this session we will discuss ways that you can:
- Recognize the root causes and symptoms of conflict
- Explore the challenges and impact of having a toxic boss
- Examine the differences between a Group and a Team
- Reflect on how diversity can transform your organisation
- Understand how removing conflict facilitates profit generation
Attending this session will provide you with some valuable thinking time on developing yourself and your organisation to achieve better outcomes.
When you leave this session, you will have some golden nuggets to start you on this journey that will position you to take small and simple and steps to reduce conflict, improve employee engagement and customer satisfaction, and see profits grow.
Tickets available at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-your-profits-are-destroyed-through-conflict-tickets-43649951179